Sunday, July 30, 2006

Cabin Fever

Lilies, Joan Z. Rough © 2006

Here in Virginia in July and August, I often experience cabin fever. I used to get it badly in the winter when I lived in northern Vermont, just 30 miles from the Canadian border. I can remember going out in March trying to chop away the layers of ice in the driveway ... being beyond joy when the first spring peepers started calling in the spring ... and always wishing the time away until the light was strong and bright and it began to warm up again.

Well here, it's only the months of July and August that cause me to go a bit wacky. Though the light is fantastic, the heat and humidity are horrific. I am an outdoor freak and find being cooped up in air conditioning to be extremely taxing. So even though I find myself to be a hermit during the cooler months, really enjoying my solitude, it's now that I'm going a bit stir-crazy, needing to be with people. So this week I'm planning lots of visits with friends I haven't seen in a while. I'll try to get my outdoor garden time in the early morning, before the sun gets too hot and maybe even go see a silly movie or two which I don't normally do. I saw Woody Allen's, Scoop, last night ... not his best but fun and it made me laugh. I needed that!!

I hate wishing the time away ... none of us knows how much we have left in our "time accounts" ... and I really like to live in the here and now. But part of me can't help thinking ahead to cooler days ... frost on the pumpkin and autumn leaves blowing across the fields. But until then all any of us can do is hunker down in the heat and enjoy a good book, a tall glass of iced tea and stay inside.


Anonymous said...

I can empathize where you're coming from as I come from the exact opposite spectrum at this time of year. I can't put the brakes on hard enough as I know that soon that 'ole north wind will be blowing to give a wind chill factor far below zero. I wish I could bottle your weather to use in a few months. But what a boring existence it would be if we could always have things our way. The universe seems to provide what we need and when we need it.

Becca said...

It's really hot here too, but as you said, it's a good excuse to "chill out" with a cold drink, a movie or a good book. Stay cool!

Deirdre said...

I'm afraid I'd wilt in the heat and humidity. We don't have much humidity here, and the heat has finally broken. My favorite time of year is the early autumn, after the grape harvest, just before the leaves change, while the nights are cold but the days still get hot. Perfect.

Visual-Voice said...

hopefully I'll get better soon and see you down there!