Saturday, June 17, 2006

My Muse

This is my muse. She hangs out in my studio and directs everything I create there. She is full of love as you can tell from her big heart ... which has wings so that she can send love out and around the world to anyone who needs some.

That's how I found her. I was feeling in need of a little something while I was trying to start a painting that didn't seem to be going anywhere. The next thing I knew, there she was, staring at me, from the canvas.

You probably can tell that she loves color ... especially red. She has encouraged me to go with primary Crayola type colors. The use of subtle ones lacks passion, according to her. She says actions can be quiet and subtle, but that I need to present the way I really feel inside through my artwork and dress. She said, "Releasing joy in troubled times keeps the earth from spinning out of orbit."

What does your muse look like? What has she told you?

My Muse, 22 x 28, oil on canvas


Deirdre said...

This muse is wonderful. I can't see mine yet, but I do hear her voice. Maybe as I move deeper into art she will appear.

Nitro Retro said...

Joan, how wonderful to read your expression of love. I lack being able to
express tenderness within me. My flower garden does help me muse though.
Lovely lady, your muse, lovely lady, dear Joan.