Friday, May 26, 2006

Gone Kyaking!

Well finally, I'm out on the river!! I don't know what's taken me so long. It could be the every day stuff that seems to fill every minute, the garden, the stack of paper that continues to grow higher and higher on my desk. Or could it be this blog?

I love it out here, especially on mornings like this when there are few people about. This is where I love to come when I'm feeling low and confused. It's very soothing to just drift with the current or to paddle like hell to use up all my negative energy. Right now it is overcast, about 70 degrees and still. A thin layer of pollen coats the surface of the water ... the stuff that can keep me sneezing, sniffling and rubbing my eyes.

The yellow kyak is mine. I call her Scamp. The aqua one belongs to Bill, my husband. I don't think it has a name.

Yup, that's me. And there's Bill looking all too serious! I have my camera to protect so I won't splash him. He'd splash back or tip me over. He is currently directing All My Sons, by Arthur Miller at at the local community theatre. It opens next week and this is that awful time when it doesn't look great and he's getting kinda nervous.

This photo below is a fairly new beaver lodge. I don't remember it from the last time I was out here. We have quite a number of beaver here on the river. We have to build cages around trees that we value or they'll be gone in a heartbeat. They come in the night and chew them down, eat the bark and young shoots. We lost several fruit trees when we first moved here. They were there one evening, poof, down the next morning.

And this is what I came for .... the mountain laurel. This is the best spot for it.

Beautiful things are all around us!


Anonymous said...

It looks so beautiful and peaceful! Glad you have steered yourself to the water and into the kayak. A great way to process the gamut of emotions!

Love to you!

Deirdre said...

I love your posts. The river looks so serene. I'll be back again. And thanks for visiting my blog.

Visual-Voice said...

Yes!~ Mountain Laurel! I just got back from my dad's house on the lake and it was blooming everywhere on the shores... simply spectacular, in a humble understated way.

Nitro Retro said...

River looks beautiful. Greg lives on the river and we occasionally go out. Went birding at Mason Neck one day. It was wonderful. Something about water!

Love, Mary Ann