Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Still away ...

No, I'm not home yet, and I'm feeling very lazy ... so no photo this time. It's been a wonderful break. My daughter, her partner and my two wonderful "grandlings" were here for one week. We had loads of fun and I especially enjoyed the giggles, the hugs and their shining faces.

Bill and I have been alone here with our dogs since last Saturday morning ... it's been a moment to moment meditation to the sound of waves crashing on the shore and the cry of gulls. I've been reading, riding my bike, doing a bit of beading and taking lots of naps. My heart is breaking for the people in California who are losing their homes due to the raging fires. I have a cousin in LA and checked in on her. She is fine and not in harms way, thank goodness, but others are not so fortunate. News from home: we had a half inch of rain last week and the garden has perked up a bit!

I am feeling extremely grateful for being able to be here enjoying the beauty around me and for a wonderful blogging community which I'm sorry to be ignoring, but I will be back early next week. After the events of the past year, I really needed this time of doing almost nothing.


Pam said...

Sounds like you're having a wonderfully relaxing time. Wish I was there!

Pam said...

... and by the way, we saw only 2 cats in Rome - very disappointing.

Lucy said...

Sounds heavenly. Go on enjoying. See you when we see you!

Visual-Voice said...

Still gone? You blessed woman you! Here's a Hare-Raising Halloween Banjo Bunny Card for you upon your return: