Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Just being ...

I made this photo a few weeks ago on one of those early spring days that I like to describe as being "cranky." The day just couldn't seem to make up it's mind ... sunny, showery with rainbows or just plain gray? And why not all in one day and maybe even all at the same time?

It's kind of the way I've been feeling lately myself. Maybe I'll work in the garden today ... or maybe I should get to that pile of filing ... but now I feel like reading that fabulous book I started last week and haven't had time to pick up since. Then I remember something else I've forgotten to do ... and it's important! Must get to it now!!

I can't seem to focus. I do everything in fits and starts. And then I piss and moan about not getting anything accomplished. I just seem to be in one of those places where just plain "doing" is difficult. When I'm doing one thing, I want to be doing something else. And so I make my way through the hours getting very cranky myself.

So I decide to just "be." Why not take advantage of this craziness and do "nothing." In fact I do believe we need time to just let the psyche go and wander through the days and the changes that are making themselves evident with the shift of seasons. Our spirit needs recharging after the long spell of cold, soulful quietness that winter sets before us. It's time to just sit, sip a cup of tea while reading a few pages in the warm sun, walk through the garden and imagine a new tree or shrub in that empty space we suddenly notice. If dark thoughts arise, like those large gray clouds, they will soon pass and the sun will shine even brighter, warming the muscles of our bodies and minds so that soon we will be in sync with the what is happening at such a rapid pace around us. I think that if we don't take the time do this we're likely to cause damage to ourselves and those around us!

On Saturday and Sunday I will begin a new journey. It is the first weekend of a nine month class in the study of herbs and their medicinal uses. The class will meet one weekend a month through November and is the first session of a three year program, at which time those who finish the program should have enough experience and knowledge to be called "herbalists." I'm very excited but at the same time a tad worried. About what, I'm not exactly sure ... maybe about not being up to it for one reason or another. Or perhaps just afraid of the changes that are sure to accompany this new work. But I think just letting go during these next few days will help to prepare me for whatever lies ahead. For now it's time to just lay back and take in this magnificent world!


Becca said...

I always find myself feeling restless when spring comes, just as you describe, and find it difficult to let myself just "be" and bask in the warmth and new beginning. I must remember your wise words about the benefits of doing just that!

And enjoy your class in herbalism! Let me know what's good for healing fractured bones, will you?

Lucy said...

This puts it all so well, and is good advice.
Enjoy your herbology!