Saturday, April 07, 2007


New Garden Project, April, 2007

"I have said on occasion that I think gardening is nearer to godliness than theology. … True gardeners are both iconographers and theologians insofar as these activities are the fruit of prayer "without ceasing." Likewise, true gardeners never cease to garden, not even in their sleep, because gardening is not just something they do. It is how they live."
Vigen Guroian
From the essay, 'On Leaving the Garden,' in "The Fragrance of God"

I'm not a church goer. As a matter of fact, I don't consider myself a member of any one religious group. If anything, I'm a hybrid like my car which runs on a mix of gasoline and electricity. My fuel is a mix of teachings from all of the great religious traditions of the world ... especially Buddhism. As a result of my tangled experiences as a child and religious instruction, for many years, I had difficulty uttering the words God or Prayer. But with age, I'm finding that those words are becoming a large part of my vocabulary and life.

It is when I'm out in nature or working in the garden that I feel closest to God, the
Spirit, that I feel is the creator of this beautiful world and the joy and wonder that I am privileged to experience every day. You won't find me on my knees in a church ... it doesn't feel natural. But in the garden, look, there I am, taking the position as I weed or plant bulbs, muttering encouragement for growth.

The very acts of digging in the dirt, placing a seed or bulb, are for me sacred rituals, filled with hope for the future. They are a letting go of my need to control my life and the world around me ... a sacrifice, if you will, to the
Spirit of the Earth, who will take my offering or not. I might not get anything for my effort, but I just might get the most beautiful blossom I've ever seen.

These days my prayers are for our planet, the earth ... my prayer is for all of us to help to bring her back from the destruction that we have placed upon her.

Have a Happy Easter, everyone!


Deirdre said...

There is truly a connection of the soul to the divine in the garden. Yesterday I harvested herbs that we used this morning to make the dish that is our contribution to tonights meal. I feel deeply satisfied.

Becca said...

I wish I could say I was a gardener too...even though I come from a long line of farmers, the gene seems to have passed me by completely. I do have a deep appreciation for those with green thumbs and the beauty they create in the world. I imagine it is a very special, nearly holy connection to the earth and the human spirit.

This was a lovely meditation for spring :)

Visual-Voice said...

I hope you take some time to take pictures of your amazing garden this spring ~ your connection to Spirit is so completely evident in the beauty you nurture in the beds surrounding your home! Happy Spring!