With temperatures in the 70's on Friday and Saturday and in the 80's yesterday, some of the forsythia popped overnight. There was a bit of a hint yesterday but during the dark of night these gorgeous little blossoms decided to make their debut.
These daffodils have been blooming for several days now and as the weeks march on more and more will show their faces as the ground warms up. I have a number of different varieties that bloom early, a bit later and a lot later, keeping my spring world yellow for quite a long time.I love the yellows of spring. The weeping willow down by the river is just beginning to turn that rich spring yellow/green ... the first tree of the season to leaf out in this garden.
Throw in some purple crocuses and I'm in spring heaven. They're being a bit poky this year, but they will appear before the daffodils finish their yearly bloom.
I spent lots of time outdoors this weekend ... started some lettuces, mustard greens and swiss chard in peat pots, hacked away at more kudzu and began cleaning out my potting shed and making an inventory of supplies I'll be needing for my veggie garden. With the economy in this terrible slump, I'm determined to grow more of my own food. With only small traces of rain so far, I'm worried about the watering situation. Even after last weeks snow, the ground is bone dry. I have 2 self watering planters that I'll be experimenting with. They have a reservoir at the bottom which holds several gallons of water. If I keep the reservoirs full, the plants are happy and I don't waste water with a hose and sprinkler. And I may not have to fill the reservoirs on a daily basis, saving a bit of toil.